Traveling Guide
Travellers who cycle and wish to take their bikes with them are welcome to board our trains during off-peak hours. There are guidelines to follow to avoid discomfort to you and other travellers. No additional fare charges for saving the environment!
Traveling Guide For Foldable Bikes
Monday – Friday:10am – 3pm & 9pm – 12am
Weekends & Public Holidays:
6am – 12am
Note: Additional time of restriction may be imposed due to special occasions or any other reasons.
There is no extra charge for passenger who wish to bring a foldable bicycle onboard.

Guideline for Bringing Bikes On-board Trains
- Foldable bikes are permitted. The length and height should be no more than 200cm long and 120cm high.
- Cyclist under the age of 12 must be accompanied by adults when bringing permitted bike types onto the train.
- Bikes should be safely attended by the cyclist at all times.
- Cyclist shall enter and exit through the wide-aisle gate.
- When boarding or leaving the train, cyclist are reminded to use extreme caution to avoid bumping into others passengers.
- Cyclist shall allow other passengers to board and exit the train first.
- Priority to use the elevators shall be given to people with disabilities.
- Every passenger is allowed to carry one permitted bike at any time.
- Cyclist with fold-able bikes must wait by the specified doors, as shown behind (yellow boxes)
- Cycling is strictly prohibited inside the trains and stations at all times.
- Ensure that bikes are clean and free from mud and grease.
- Cyclist shall be held responsible for any damage caused to Rapid KL.
- Rapid KL may refuse entry to passenger with permitted bike if it may cause inconvenience to other passengers or affecting train operations.